Saturday, July 18, 2009

How to release 0.4?

This post is because I'm preparing the first release of revolution engine 0.4
Yes, the first one, but not the only one. Why?
Well, Revolution engine 0.4 is a huge, ambicious porject. It's big enough to take many months on development and carry a lot of bugs inside, and me, i'm just one developper. So there are two options: First, after a few more months, I finish the engine and release it with many bugs and absolutely no documentation. Everybody has to wait a lot for the engine and when it finally arrives, almost no one can use it. It doesn't look like a good option, right?
The other posibility is: I finish a part of the engine, and release it, at the same time, I release some short tutorials on how to use that part. People can start using it and learn about it step by step. As they use it, they tell me about bugs they fing or features they miss. So, as I prepare the next release, also fix those issues. More documentation, less time to wait, faster bug-fixes, easier learning curve...better for all, right?
So you can expect the first release within a week. Revolution engine 0.4, coming soon.


Vatomalo said...

man this is great news,
i really cant wait....

RazorChrist said...

Yeah I'd go with option #2 as well. There's going to be bugs regardless of when it's released. It's better to release earlier so everyone can dive in and report/fix bugs as soon as possible.

Can't wait for a true parent/child system!!!

Unknown said...

Buenas noticias technik.

Yo creo que mejor que saques algo ya porque nos mordemos las uñas :)

Además, a mi me gusta mucho encontrar bugs y petarte el engine :)


Unknown said...

Good idea, ive been following your project for some time, wouldn't mind becoming a little more involved

Anonymous said...

You rock man!