Saturday, September 5, 2009

In Development Screens of Rev 0.5

First screens of Revolution engine 0.5
Version 0.5 is the first C++ version of the engine, much more robust and reliable than earlier versions and further more documented ;)
It's still under development, of course, and nowadays these are the only working features:
Rendering system
-3D Nodes based
-Multiple Viewports (Split screen)
-Multiple Cameras
-SkyBox rendering
-Model loading (rms)

Lighting system
-Software lighting
-Directional lights

-Boosted initialization code
-Time Wrapping effects (e.g. Bullet time)
-Correct screen blackout at start

No more delay, here are some screens:

Ah, remember that thought version 0.5 alredy is under development, 0.4 keeps being developed too.


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